Freely I watch the tracks of the flying birds
John Tarrant
When we meditate we rest in a universe that we did not construct…
Steven Chabre
Kevin Garner
I felt sad, but not sad. It was as if something hidden had been tapped and now the energy was free.
from Red Rosa
Kate Evans
He brings up the most impossible questions, then hurries to answer them himself.
Tracking a Wild Road, or Beautiful Speed Bumps
Corey Hitchcock
I discovered that the road did not ask for or imply movement.
Cap’n Jimmy’s Eye
Jim Snarski Chris Gaffney
“This time I’m the fish, he’s the heron, and you are the person watching.”
Some Thoughts, While Meditating, for People of the Sky
Amy Elizabeth Robinson
Once / a towhee landed
Out for An Evening Walk
Gina Fiedel
“raw, noisy conversations”
The Returned Gaze
Chris Gaffney
The swift and sharp seam a bird draws with its flight can leave my world rippling….
Mario Da Cunha
Wingbeats against a wall.