Corey Hitchcock
Corey Hitchcock – I migrated several years ago to the Sierra foothills from the SF bay area and aspire to the job title: Interpreter of the Wild, but meanwhile I am an interdisciplinary artist, which means I skip around in my disciplines to tap various visual media from painting and printmaking to video and installation. Include in that mix writing, koan study, and cultivating the wild as a shamanic practitioner and avid student of zen. I pursued an Art & Anthropology mix as an undergrad, apprenticed with Feathered Serpent Press in in 70’s and became the proprietor of a small letterpress: Wild Hare Press, which printed poems, broadsides and small, limited edition books. In the 90’s I discarded heavy metal (presses) for digital concerns and a certificate in Multimedia Studies at SFSMC. Designed websites, animated some, was senior Web Designer for SFGate until 1999. I painted through it all, attended the SFAI and eventually received my MFA from JFKU’s Arts & Consciousness Dept. (Berkeley) in 2005. I occasionally channel Fox, not Fox Channel, but wild Fox and other significant koan allies.
Corey’s email,
One of Corey’s Fox cartoons accompanies the essay “Uncertainty as Companion,” in Issue I: Doing It Wrong.
Pieces by Corey Hitchcock