Zen & the Arts - Field Notes

Issue 2 Winter – 2017

More Everything: Wanting

Table Of Contents

Spiders, Rats, and the Elegance of Strangeness

John Tarrant

What if the situation you can’t fix is also on your side?

Dream Gate

Amy Elizabeth Robinson

A poem.

Taking All Paths

Corey Hitchcock Chris Gaffney

Every path a being takes is fashioned by its interactions with other beings. An interaction between two beings (Chris Gaffney & Corey Hitchcock) leads to the triptych of pieces found here. Each piece speaks to the myriad and foundational nature of interaction in establishing being, whether the being in question be person or electron. Which […]

Warm Light (Another Lifeform)

Ariadne Randall

Stereo or Quadraphonic Sound Installation for 100 Voices and Laptop

As Above So Below

Roger Jordan

The art of change.

Waking up in Old Fangak, La Gonave, and Mwanza

Janice Boughton

I am an internal medicine doctor. In that capacity, I go to distant places, meet interesting people, and eat weird food. In these journeys, I’ve noticed how technology connects us, often awkwardly, with each other.

No Road Is the Road

Antonio Machado

“Water and thirst are good”: from the proverbs of Antonio Machado.

Operation Whole-Heartedness

Edd Conboy

A letter from the Director of Social Services at Broad Street Ministry, Philadelphia.

Footsteps in the Hallway

Jesse Cardin

When the heart opens to longing, it opens a little bit to everything.

No End to It

Santoka – Poet Taneda Shōichi (1882–1940)

An introduction to Santoka’s way.


Cate White Trace Farrell

One shows, one tells: two encounters with appetite.


Ray Evanoff

The gift of less–a composition for solo clarinet.

Tonight, the Rain

Timothy Nonn

Drenched in seeing.

Water, Water

Corey Hitchcock

In a dream I heard: “Underground, all waters touch.”

Montale at Monterosso

Alan Williamson

You were so near the origins / you had taken off your face.

Refuge Ceremony

Amy Elizabeth Robinson

Holding vows as koans–and opening to your own life.

Taking Care of the Name

Christy Lee-Engel

Finding a ripe and secret sweetness down at the bottom of this river.

Seed Pearls

Rachel Boughton

Sometime in the 1940s when my mother was growing up, my grandfather had a spontaneous transformation. It happened between lunch and his arrival at the Biltmore Health Club, I think.

Are You Afraid Of This Happiness?

Dave Klinger

On holding loss–and more loss.

Nothing, Mostly

Arni Adler

Real life is choosing your socks.


Cate White

Visualize getting it.